Odoo Events Management

Odoo Events Management


How to effectively automate recruitment and onboarding.

The course is a comprehensive training aimed at developing professional skills in the field of management and organization of events.

Under the guidance of experienced specialists and with the use of advanced techniques and tools, you will learn how to effectively manage each stage of the organization of events: from the idea to the successful completion.

Private Course
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Ответственный IT_InBIT
Последнее обновление 05.09.2023
Участники 3
Средний (Intermediate) Бесплатно Управление Events Management Odoo EN
  • Description
    • Course Overview
  • Event
    • How to assemble your event
    • Organizer
    • Responsible
    • Event venues
    • Tags
    • Limit Registrations
    • Auto-confirmation
    • Kanban - displaying states on an electronic board with stages
  • Event template
    • Paid event - Ticket sale
    • Free event - Conference
  • Website
    • Website
    • Sorting events
  • Participants
    • Participants
    • How to edit participant data
    • How to invite a regular customer
  • Two types of tickets
    • Full Page Ticket
    • Foldable Badge
    • What to do if we want to print badges for 60 people
  • Questions before registration
    • How to create a survey before registering a person for an event
    • How to sort by answers